Help us protect athletes and the integrity of sport
Every time someone makes a commitment by providing information on doping behavior, we’re one step closer to a fair and clean playing field for all. We know that providing sensitive information about doping is an important decision that needs to be carefully considered. That’s why we salute the courage and commitment required to decide to pass on information about doping to the responsible authorities.
By using this form, you have decided to place your trust in us, and we take it with the responsibility it deserves. This mechanism is a safe way for you to report any activity that you consider to be in breach of anti-doping rules. ORAD NORTH AFRICA invites anyone with information about a suspected doping case to share it confidentially via this form.
Don't hesitate to contact us!
The identity of the owner of the information will be anonymous, unless the user wishes to provide contact information so that ORAD NORTH AFRICA can engage in direct communication to develop the information.